We are over the moon happy with this sweet litter of Boston Terrier pups! Two girls and one boy. We have persons on both our committed and non-committed advance reserve list that will get first choice of these little beauties and once this is decided upon within 24 hours from now (1/2/22) we will mark each puppy accordingly.
These sweeties were born on May 26, 2022. They will be ready to go home by July 22 or after. They are on the small side as the mom weights 12 lbs and dad weights 15 lbs. We will be excited to see them grow up.
Feel free to contact me directly at 601-658-0920 for more information about this litter and future litters. We love hearing from you.
Below is snap shot of the mom Scooter
This is a snap shot of the sire Dandy
Male – Reserved
This sweet little boy has a super smooshed face. He is black with a seal sheen on his coat. We made his photos out doors in bright light today to show off his nice coat. He should be small to medium in size when fully grown. Heart will be going to live in Mississippi.
Female – Reserved
This pretty little girl has what we call an angels kiss on top of her head. Some call it a haggerty mark. She is a very pretty girl with smooshed face. Her coat sports a nice seal sheen in bright light. She’s black/brindle/white and should be small when fully grown. Halo will be going to live in Florida.
Girl – Available
This precious little girl is black/brindle/white also with a very pretty seal sheen on her coat that shows up in bright light. She seemed to enjoy having her photos made today. She will be small when fully grown.