We would like to take this time on this page to share with you information about our puppies. Notice at the bottom we have left it open for your comments or questions.
All of our puppies arrive via c-section. Well bred Boston Terriers generally do require c-sections due to small rears and large heads. They simply can’t all pass through birth canals. We used to try and allow them to free whelp but ran into situations where possible one was born, then the next one was stuck. Its not worth putting the mom or the pups or me though the stress of this when it can all be done so clean and easy at the vets office.
Our puppies are introduced and latch onto moms for nursing right there in their vets office before they even come home. Each puppy is completely examined by the vet and techs to ensure best health.
Upon arrival home again, the pups are situated into their warm cozy bed while mom is still relaxing and continuing to recover. The pups and mom are kept in my office or bed room so that I am around to monitor them often. They are monitored by me to ensure they are able to nurse enough and growing. For any that fall behind on nursing or have difficulty latching onto the mom then I supply them with puppy bottles with warm goats milk. Generally in the first week of arrival, I will send announcement that the pups have arrived to all those on my committed and non-committed waiting list.
For unexperienced moms or larger moms, I generally set the moms bed next to her ‘ bed but not together. This is for the safety of the pups due to them being so small and prevent being rolled on as well as monitoring nursing and to see that mom is cleaning them. I am up off and on through out the night with each litter for the first two weeks. I try my best to get photos and announce the arrival of the puppies on my website and social media.
Going into the third and fourth week when pups are larger and able to move freely about I allow the mom to spend nights with her babies and spend time with them unsupervised during the day as well. I keep close check on moms to ensure they have plenty of milk and that each pup is gaining weight. Puppies are given their first de-wormer of Panacur at this time. Updated photos are made during this time and those on the advance reserve list will be notified of the updates.
Puppies have grown teeth by this time and it can be very painful on the moms. Each mom does discipline the puppies though when she feels they need to take a break. To help her I give her longer breaks during the day out in the play yard. Immediately as they enter into week 5, I make a warm baby cereal mixed with softened puppy kibble and goats milk. They LOVE it! I start out in week 5 giving this to them for breakfast and by the end of the week they will get this meal twice a day. I do allow them to continue nursing mom through 6 weeks of age. If they have full tummies from the dinner I give them then they are not quiet as vigorous on nursing mom.
The puppies get another de-wormer and parvo vaccine at the end of six weeks. Also we try to get more photos and update all those who have them reserved with refreshed updates on our website.
Mom is not coming back in with the puppy’s during this time unless we have a preemie that still needs mom to catch up. I make the puppies a hefty warm breakfast and dinner each day. These meals consist of goats milk, baby cereal, Purina Puppy Complete (softened). At times I add plain whole yogurt and sprinkle a small amount of pumpkin seed mill over their meals.
Potty training begins now as we put papers down for puppies to go on and most successfully use paper pads by the time they leave to new homes. Puppies are transported outside onto a protected play pen set up specifically for them and we try to keep their toes from never touching the ground while they are still with us. We time out to play with each one also in order to get to know that individual puppy. Our puppies see other dogs and cats. While indoors I keep kiddie cartoons going for them. I also have a dog sound app on my iPhone in which I will play certain sounds to each puppy individually to check response to those sounds. NOTE: Its very very rare that we have deaf puppy.
In the seventh week the puppies go visit their vet for complete physical check up. Ears, eyes, nose mouth are all looked into with examination. Skin, fur and over all appearance are checked. Fecals are given to check for parasites. The vet then issues a Health Certificate for each puppy’s findings of good health.